Water availability is always a concern for these communities living in the water-scarce areas and facing water hardships for years. The settlements in these communities are on hilltops and the spring sources are located downhill which takes more than an hour for water collection. Water supply schemes like solar and electrical water lifting systems have been implemented in these communities. But the water supply is irregular because of technical issues and the high cost involved in repairing/maintaining the system. In recent years, traditional Ponds/Pokharis, mostly used for feeding livestock, have dried up, due to a lack of maintenance work. Also, the spring sources are drying up. Some studies have linked the drying of spring sources to road construction and the recent earthquake events in Nepal. Road construction activities are carried out without any hydrological considerations as some spring sources are located nearby the road. Rainwater that would infiltrate ends up as the surface/road runoff, resulting in less infiltration to groundwater for recharge. The construction of rainwater storage tanks helps the community to have access to water. At the same time, water is available for kitchen gardening and vegetable farming in poly-houses. Rehabilitating the ponds increases the water availability in the community. And protection and conservation of the spring sources provide a regular water supply. The Rain Communities maintain the Community Forests, which allows them to use the forest resources. However, there are fewer afforestation/reforestation activities carried out by the communities. A reforestation campaign brings changes in the vegetation cover of the area, causing more evapotranspiration which changes the water cycle and thus enhances the water availability of the area.