Sanitation Facilities

Children have a right to basic facilities such as safe school toilets, safe drinking water, hand washing stations, safe surroundings, and basic information on hygiene. If these conditions are created, children learn better and can bring concepts and practices on sanitation and hygiene back to their families. Schools can play an important role in bringing about behavioral changes and promoting better health. Improved hygiene practices are essential if transmission routes of water- and sanitation-related diseases are to be cut. Diseases such as diarrhea, parasitic worm infections, and skin, and eye diseases, need to be tackled by making improvements to water and sanitation facilities. These improvements in facilities must go hand in hand with hygiene behavior change and practice if the transmission of the disease is to be prevented. Concerning this matter, this activity has been designed.


Separate toilet cum urinals are built for girls and boys

Staff toilets

2 box toilet are built for Teachers/Staffs


Facilities for handwashing are ensured along with toilet/urinals