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- 2008-2011 –WATSAN (Water & Sanitation) Partner for WVIN (World Vision Int’ Nepal) in Kaski District.
- ODF Campaign- Lead in Sildujure VDC and some wards of Lekhnath Municipality (6 & 7 Ward)
- Implementation of Total Sanitation concept on 2 VDC of Kaski. (With the support of DWSS/WHO)
- Provide technical support by KN Associates at Thulopkha and Chhoplyang of Bharatpokhari VDC on plastic pond for household usage in Kaski supported by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany/ GIZ in collaboration with NBPA/FECOFUN/DEEU/DDC
- 2013-19, Blue Schools Program-Rainwater harvesting project in schools of Kaski District.
- 2016(Sept-Dec)-Improvement of Water Schemes from Solukhumbu District in partnership with Foundation Tashi Delek Nepal/Netherland.
- 2016, Conducted 7 days residential VMSW (Village Maintenance and Sanitation Worker) with the support of RMSO (Regional Monitoring and Supervision Office), Pokhara
- 2018-2019, Water and Sanitation Project in Chitwan in collaboration with Rotary Club of South Patan, Kathmandu
- 2018-2019, Rainwater Harvesting Project at Tobang, Chitwan in partnership with SVSI and Nepal Benefit Aalsmeer, Netherland
- 2019–2021, Integrated Water Resource Management Project (IWRM) in Kaski in collaboration with IRHA, Geneva
- 2023-2026, Integrated Resource Management of Water and Ecosystem in Central Hills of Nepal in further collaboration with IRHA,Geneva and partnership with LiBIRD and SVSI